News + Announcements

2021 Manitoba Summer Fair Cancelled Due to COVID-19

May 14, 2021

The Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Manitoba Summer Fair, which was scheduled for the beginning of June.

“The health and safety of our community is of the utmost importance,” said Greg Crisanti, President.

Due to the current health concerns related to COVID-19, as well as the provincially mandated regulations for public health and safety, the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba made this difficult decision to cancel this event for the second year in a row.

Already having cancelled the 2020 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, 2020 Manitoba Summer Fair, 2020 Manitoba Ag Ex, and cancelling the in person 2021 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair and hosting it virtually, our Board of Directors has decided this is the most responsible course of action at this time.

Plans are underway to hopefully be able to put on some “Covid Friendly” family activities later in the summer. Stay tuned for dates and details once plans have been finalized.

We have worked closely with other fairs and our exhibitors to monitor the situation and adjust plans as we could. The current evolving situation and the regulations for public safety means we are unable to host this event. The Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba will continue to monitor the evolving COVID situation and will update the public on the status of future events as the situation unfolds.

Nevertheless, the Provincial Exhibition will do everything in its power to continue to bring high quality community events for years to come, continuing to be an integral part of the community as we have been for more than 138 years.

“We are committed to producing the events our community needs, and look forward to hosting an in person family event when the time is right,” says Crisanti.

To donate to the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba during this difficult time please head to our website at

For more information and to arrange an interview contact:
Greg Crisanti, President, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba, 204-729-1234

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